
Varieties of Democracy Dataset, V8-
I am a contributing author with M. Coppedge et al.

Varieties of Party Identity and Organization Dataset, V1-
I am a contributing author with A. Lührmann et al.

Episodes of Regime Transformation Dataset, V1-
I am a contributing author with A.B. Edgell et al.

British 1999-2014 European Parliament Elections Dataset
Election results by EP constituency compiled from different archives. Avaliable as a part of the replication materials for my paper Rethinking the D'Hondt Method.

VUC 2013 Elections
Election results from Slovakia's 2013 regional elections, from the polling station level up.

Atlas of Romani Communities in Slovakia 2006 Update Dataset
This dataset contains data published by the Social Policy Analysis Centre (S.P.A.C.E.) as an update of the first edition of the Atlas of Roma communities in Slovakia. I have converted the data into a machine-readable format and added English documentation.
